Dad's Home | Wolcott Road | Ray, Michigan

(16 lamps available)

All the Lamps


North Branch Clinton River | Ray, Michigan 48096

North Branch Clinton River and Lulu

Michigan Basement

First Floor


Kitchen Stove

Dining Room

Dinner in 1950

Dining Room Table


Dining Room Music Cabinet

(One Chandelier)


Another Chandelier Picture

Chandelier Hanging on the Porch

Close up Chandelier

(2 Dining Room Lamps)

Dining Room Lamps

One Dining Room Lamp

One More Dining Room Lamps Picture

Living Room

(Seven Living Room Lamps)

Living Room lamp 2012

Living Room 1952

Living Room 1952

Living Room 1952

Living Room Lamps


Grandma's Bedroom | Dad's Office | Computer Shack

(Four Lamps)

Grandma's Room 2012

Grandma's Bedroom Lamps

Grandma's Bedroom Lamps | Computer Room

Grandma's Bedroom


Uncle Eddie's Room

(Three Lamps)

Lamp Edward Thomas Bedroom

Old Antique Lamps Upstairs Edward's Bedroom

Dad's Room